Inaugurated May 16, 1954, the Patton monument is located in the center of a square in front of the Sûre Bridge. The monument represents General George S. Patton Jr, the commander of the 3rd American Army. He helped to liberate Ettelbruck on December 25, 1944.
A second statue represents a symbol of the United States: the eagle sometimes called the fish eagle. Underneath, a martial sword sinks into the earth and thus symbolizes truce and peace. The monument is oriented towards Germany, also to signify peace.
The sculpture is the work of Pierre Droessart and Aurelio Sabbatini, two Luxembourg sculptors. Today, the monument is accompanied by a Sherman M4-A1 tank, a work by Earle Freaser.
The Ettelbruck square contains many historical works. In this way, it allows visitors to discover the different links between the general and the city.