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Words of Poilus

"Pity for us, prisoners of war who did not want this, for all of us who were men, and who despair of ever becoming men again". Epigraph from La Boue, by Maurice Genevoix
Paroles de Poilus.
Sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Guéno

“Paroles de Poilus” or “The Words of the Poilus” by Jean-Pierre Guéno was published in 2012. This book is the result of an initiative by Radio France. Thousands of families have shared the letters of Poilus (the nickname of average French foot soldiers) addressed to their loved ones during the First World War, particularly during the trench warfare. This book gathers a selection of one hundred letters, terrifying and terribly real testimonies of the daily life of these soldiers marked by the horror of the war. It’s a powerfully moving book to discover without delay!

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Experience Land of Memory

Through the journey of four student filmmakers and their professor who follow in the footsteps of their forefathers in the Land of Memory.

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